Just Let It Flow

August 10, 2015

What Makes A Genius – Intelligent Qube’s IQ Algorithm

Filed under: Code — adeyblue @ 5:45 am

You can figure out Intelligent Qube / Kurushi’s scoring mechanics by just playing and watching the tutorial. The IQ calculation isn’t so readily available, and seemingly not public knowledge. Time to fix that.

December 16, 2014

Direct 2 D Scene of the Accident

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 10:45 pm

The C definitions for Direct2D don’t always play nice with Visual Studio, producing crashes and run time check errors and everything. Whatever, they certainly aren’t equivalent to the C++ interface. Time to investigate why.

January 25, 2013

Plug in to CL’s Kitchen

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 1:09 am

It’s well known that Visual Studio’s C compiler hasn’t progressed much beyond C89, save for things like variadic macros. What might not be quite as well known is that there are tools out there to help, but they don’t integrate well into the IDE. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to integrate them directly into the compiling process to parse the source files as it goes? What isn’t well known is that you can do that, with compiler plugins.

October 17, 2012

Dropping Like Files – Zipping Without Libraries

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 6:46 pm

We haven’t been living under rocks. We know that since XP, Windows has had zip file extraction and creation. what it doesn’t have is a defined API so us normals can leverage it programmatically. But we have ways and means…

October 8, 2012

Things MS Can Do That They Don’t Tell You About – Console Graphics

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 4:06 am

CreateConsoleScreenBuffer: what a fabulous function. But wait a minute here. what’s that mysteriously reserved parameter for, and why is there a flags argument for one value with a weasely worded “only supported screen buffer type”? Sounds like there’s something else it can (or at least could) do…

May 26, 2012

Process Thread Creation Notification – The Easy Way

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 3:22 am

We all know DlMain’s are called when a new thread is launched, but how do you get notifications if you can’t, or plain don’t want to use a dll. Find out how, and without hooking either.

January 17, 2012

Chroot-ing in Windows – As Easy as A:, B:, C:…

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 12:06 am

Linux people who have to work in Windows are often talking about the basic tools it has which are absent from Microsoft’s product. While recent developments of Windows are slowly catching up with variously featured versions of whoami, ln, cat, grep, ps and chmod, one app that’s so far evaded the conversion is chroot. Whatever the reason may be for its absence, it is definitely not because there’s is no support mechanism for it.

January 3, 2012

Bagging Some Property – Getting A User’s Picture Tile

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 3:50 am

It doesn’t sound like it should be so hard. I mean, the shell has managed to produce it every time you’ve logged on since Windows XP. MSDN even has a page dedicated to user profiles that includes a section on where it is and how its treated. It details that the users picture lives in their temp directory, except for most times when it doesn’t. The picture will turn up if you open the User Account control panel, but if you’re trying to grab it programatically, asking the user to open Control Panel and all that or even worse, opening it from your own code and killing the window just as quick aren’t fantastic solutions.

November 22, 2011

Hacking MatchAffinity For Fun, No Profit

Filed under: Code,Javascript — adeyblue @ 9:26 pm

We’ve all had a profile on a dating site, answered the truly nonsensical personality questions and then took a browse around at the talent on offer. The flakiest and cheapest of us stop there. The realisation that it’ll take an arm and a doughnut to see the faces of prospective partners, benefitial friends, or good time men/women is just too much.

July 18, 2011

Hookers – Underneath the Sheets

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 7:12 am

We all need ideas. Whether you’ve just finished something, or are getting a little bit bored with your current project you can’t help but let your mind drift to the next cool thing you’ll create. Sometimes the ideas come thick and fast, other times they’re like gold dust. When I’m in the second camp, and reading the various boards I read, I will quite happily steal other peoples.

Follow MsgHookLister on a journey from client request, to fiddling with Windows bits before returning information on active thread and global hooks back to the client who asked for it.

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