Just Let It Flow

October 18, 2009

download.error is a Symbol Something Went Wrong

Filed under: Windows — adeyblue @ 1:47 am

Contrary to the name, download.error is the file name all symbol files downloaded via symsrv start out as. They are eventually molded into the requested symbol file, so the presence of these files after trying to download symbols indicates something went wrong somewhere.

October 3, 2009

Desktop Heap Monitor for Windows Vista, Server 2008 and 7

Filed under: Code,Windows — adeyblue @ 8:49 pm

Desktop Heap Monitor is a debugging tool that displays the consumption of desktop heaps in the current session. Due to its reliance on undocumented internal structures or maybe just because it’s not an efficient use of time, Microsoft has so far decided not to release an update to allow it to work on OS’s post Server 2003. So as I was doing some work in this area, I’ve created an update to let it do just that.

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